Shoutbox archive
I haven't been clean shaven since, I think, 2008/2009? I literally have dreams where I accidentally slip while trimming my beard and it's messed up so I shave it all and then everyone around me is like dude wtf?
Damn, my beard can not only legally drink, it now gets a discount on auto insurance and can rent cars without age-related trouble.
Clean shaven male me can go piss right off though...*stares in the mirror, willing my beard to grow faster*
You're definitely right - there's actually not a good word for the "state" otherwise. "Dressed" is super vague if you don't know the context and "In drag" has taken on a more specific meaning. I usually use "en femme" or a more goofy "In girl mode/in boy mode" (also "girl me" and "burly & bearded me")
See, I don't know all the fun new when I say drag, it's a big spectrum brush that means a guy that wears women's clothes for enjoyment. TIL there are better defined words. Shrug
KK - my wife is working on a really cool trans related project at the moment (legal exploration of the rights of trans children):
KK - ooooout and abooooout, my friend - much love and celebration!!!
As the caption on the pic says, the one word descriptor I use is "genderqueer" the more complex one is "cismale, gender non-conforming, crossdresser."
GLAAD's glossaries are as good a 'standard' guide as any and (though the vocabulary is constantly changing as concepts become more open and discussed).
Close: Drag tends to be gay men dressing in an exaggeratedly (to various degrees) feminine manner for a performative purpose (at least partially). I'm a crossdresser - who tend to be straight and dress primarily as a matter of gender expression and usually in a non-exaggerated manner (although, yes, the recent wig isn't subtle Grin).
My understanding is that KK shaved his beard but it all grows back in 4 days.
My understanding is that KK admitted to people that he does drag sometimes. That was my take away. Shrug
It's like an escape room. You have to figure out from the clues what they could possible be referring to and then get there on your own. No spoilers. Lol
Wait... you say all that then no link? I am disappoint.
yay kk
The big shift is really that it's public, even if it's low key, and the only downside remaining was the secrecy. Now it's out there and if people have an issue, fuck 'em. Grin
In little ways. In my friend group, a number of people already knew. And I don't dress too often, since I hate the 4 days following where I'm beardless Lol
out of curiosity do you think much will change for you in day to day life?
Yeah. I was expecting a bit of catharsis/triumphalism when I posted it, but it was actually a bit mundane. Was more focused on the paragraph breaks than anything. Grin All of the statements of support have gotten the room extremely dusty though. Wink